Refund Policy

  1. Who Can Get a Refund
    You can get a refund if you made a purchase in the last 30 days. To get a refund, you need to ask for it within this time and give a clear reason.
  2. How to Ask for a Refund
    To ask for a refund, please email our support team at [email protected]. Include your order details and why you want a refund. We will check your request and give a refund if it follows our rules.
  3. How You Will Get Your Refund
    We will send the refund to the same payment method you used to buy the product. It may take up to 10 business days for the money to show in your account.
  4. What Cannot Be Refunded
    Some products or services, like those given after the 30-day time or custom services, may not get a refund. Please check the rules for each product or service.
  5. Changes to This Policy
    We can change this Refund Policy at any time. Any updates will be on our website with the new date. If you keep using our services, it means you agree to the new policy.
  6. Contact Us
    If you have any questions about our Refund Policy, please email us at [email protected].